Dr. Moshe Lewis MD
Pain Management | Physical Rehabilitation
Cornell University - BA Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai - MD New York University - MPH Tufts University School of Medicine - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residency Program University of Phoenix - MBA
Experience Years
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Chief of Physical Medicine + Rehab
Dr. Moshe Lewis performed licensed consultations and evaluations on the skilled nursing floor in the inpatient rehab unit. He coordinated care for timely discharge and ideally return to work where clinically indicated, as well as pioneering accredited seminars and leading systematic team conferences.
Resident Physician
Served as Chief Resident at Mount Sinai school of medicine assisting patients with examinations, follow-ups, diagnostics, prescription management, etc...
Pain Management Specialist
Excelled in pain management services for patients. Assisted in electromyography, non-operative pain management for sports injuries and patients with musculoskeletal pain, rehab of orthopedic injuries, and helped manage numerous chronic pain patients as well as neurological disorders.
Medical Legal Consultant [QME]
Served as a consultant on behalf of several law firms and disability cases, while performing countless utilization and peer reviews in addition to testifying as a medical expert. Furthermore, Dr. Moshe Lewis pioneered several approaches to effectively carry out medical reviews of pain and opioid drug abuse.
Chief of Physical Medicine & Rehab
Dr. Moshe Lewis performed licensed consultations and evaluations on the skilled nursing floor in the inpatient rehab unit. He coordinated care for timely discharge and ideally return to work where clinically indicated, as well as pioneering accredited seminars and leading systematic team conferences.