Dr Moshe Lewis MD - Medical Practice
Dr. Moshe Lewis MD MPH, is a physician in the San Fransisco bay area specializing in pain management and physical rehabilitation including but not limited to sports injuries and other orthopedic-based conditions.
The better way to manage your chambers, prescriptions, appointments & patients
Using Dr Moshe Lewis MD account you can easily manage chamber wise prescriptions, patients, appointments and many more features.
Online Consultation
Using Zoom online colsultation patients can make a live video meeting with the experts and get treatment & advices from them. Also doctors can set a fees for the online consultation and receive payments from patients using paypal and stripe

Office Assessment
We offer in-person office appointments with all our medical providers. This is best for new clients whose medication requires face-to-face interactions and other complex issues that cannot be handled via our TeleHealth platform.
Med Legal Services
Dr. Moshe Lewis is a well-respected and qualified medical examiner. If your case requires the expertise of a medical professional, here is the place to be!